Star Wars Jedi Challenges

Star Wars Jedi Challenges is an augmented reality (AR) game developed by Lenovo in partnership with Disney and Lucasfilm. It was released in 2017 and is designed to provide players with a unique and immersive Star Wars experience.

Star Wars Jedi Challenges

The game requires the use of the Lenovo Mirage AR headset, which allows players to see virtual images and interact with digital objects in the real world. It also comes with a lightsaber controller and a tracking beacon, which are used to detect movement and allow for more precise control.

In Star Wars Jedi Challenges, players take on the role of a Jedi and engage in a variety of challenges and battles against iconic Star Wars villains such as Darth Vader and Kylo Ren. The game includes a variety of different modes, including lightsaber battles, strategic combat, and Holochess.

The game also includes a smartphone app, which is used to control the game and provide additional features and content. The app includes a variety of missions and challenges, as well as a "training mode" that allows players to practice their skills and improve their abilities.

Star Wars Jedi Challenges is marketed towards Star Wars fans and gamers who are looking for a unique and immersive gaming experience. It remains a popular game among those who appreciate its innovative use of AR technology and its faithful recreation of the Star Wars universe.

Manufacturer: Lenovo

Release Date: 2017

Model: AR-7561N

Photos Star Wars Jedi Challenges

Consoles Lenovo QR