
Video Games and consoles have been an integral part of our daily lives since the early 1970s. In 1971, the first arcade electronic game, Computer Space, introduced the world to the revolution of digital entertainment. Since then, electronic games have continuously evolved, impacting generations and providing entertainment, education, and cultural development for both young and old.

The collection at the Video Games Museum was born from the excitement and joy that each new game and console brought. When we were kids, we would buy one game and one console at a time, and gradually, our collection grew, along with our love for the philosophy behind electronic games.

Today, this collection has evolved into one of the most extensive and comprehensive treasures of consoles and games, and the Video Games Museum stands as the first exclusive museum of electronic games in Greece, with the aim of taking visitors back in time while showcasing the history and evolution of digital entertainment.

Our museum is dedicated to educating and informing the public about the history of electronic games. Through the permanent exhibition, which presents hundreds of consoles in an interactive way, and through periodic exhibitions that focus on unique gaming topics, we offer visitors a hands-on experience that enhances their knowledge and understanding of the art of electronic games, cinema, photography, music, and more.

We have created two unique Time Capsules that represent the atmosphere of the 80s and 90s, giving visitors the chance to experience those decades through the consoles and games of the time.

Furthermore, the museum offers educational programs and seminars led by expert collaborators, with the aim of enhancing the knowledge and skills of our visitors in the field of electronic games and digital cultural heritage.